Insights Discovery® is validated by the British Psychological Society, and more than four million people have had an Insights Discovery® experience.
Patricia Soler and Christophe Martinot are accredited in INSIGHTS DISCOVERY®, so we can offer the test online. The questionnaire consists of 25 questions that normally take 20 minutes to answer. After a few days, we send you your unique INSIGHTS DISCOVERY® profile of about 18 -20 pages containing:
Be aware that the Insights Discovery personal profile doesn’t just stop there, and can consist of anything up to 46 pages.
Based on your personal, team or leadership needs, you can add any of the following chapters to your profile:
The Management chapter: The management chapter is almost an essential addition, whether the recipient is in a managerial role or not. This chapter describes how they might manage others, how they like to be managed and the sort of environment that will get the best out of them… and that’s not just about the physical building, room or having plants around the place… although that does help some of the colour energies.
The Effective Selling chapter: This chapter isn’t just for those who work in a sales environment. This chapter is versatile and helps people understand how they might connect better with key stakeholders, internal departments and providers in a supply chain. The Effective selling chapter describes the individual’s strengths and weaknesses in 6 stages:
• Before the interaction takes place
• Identifying the needs of the interaction
• Proposing a solution
• Dealing with resistance
• Getting commitment
• Following up and following through
This chapter also gives a graphical interpretation of where on a scale of greatness identified by Insights Discovery® the individual’s self perception sits in 24 skills split between each of the 6 stages – it’s great for mentoring and coaching!
The Personal Achievement chapter: The personal achievement chapter delves deep into personal development and explores several key aspects of the individual’s development such as life purpose, learning styles (along with self-perception snapshot of 8 learning styles identified by the behavioural model), setting goals, work-life balance, natural creativity and overcoming obstacles. This chapter sits well with deep work on authenticity in the leadership setting.
The Interview chapter: Insights Discovery is not a screening tool for recruitment and should never be used to define a persons’ capability, intellect or skill. This chapter does however offer some great questions for a panel to use during the final stages of the selection process. In order to use this chapter in this way, both the candidate and interviewer will have had a feedback session with a licensed practitioner. This chapter is also useful for self-exploration and coaching.
The narrative of the profile is written in a personal and engaging way. Often recipients say ‘have you been following me?’ ‘Did you speak to my partner?’ ‘How does it know these things?’ to which, of course, we say ‘it’s magic!’
The Transformational Leadership profile takes a multidimensional approach to developing leaders, helping them make dramatic and sustainable improvements to their effectiveness, at the individual, team, and organizational levels.
Insights Transformational Leadership is designed to improve leadership capabilities across various organizational levels. This provides one common and aligned framework for leadership development throughout the organization.
And last but not least, should you need it, we can offer, debrief for you to understand better your profile or workshops facilitation.